Monday, May 19, 2014

Major Project Idea

1. What is the topic of your project?
 My topic is nutrition foods.

2. Who will you interview?
 I found my research on google

3. What would you take photos of?
I will take photos of healthy food

4. What information will you research?
How healthy food and not healthy foods differ

5. What type of project will you make?
 An info gram

6. What service will you use?
An Infogram

7. Why is this the best service to use for your project?
 Well because its mainly for research and giving people information.

8. When and where will you record and capture this content?
umm I kinda did already

9. When will you transfer your audio text to your computer?
I did it the same time I made an info gram

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sports Action Photos

Subject Running Towards

Subject Running Across


Intentional blur

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Newspaper Parts

2 sizes of newspaper 
A Brod sheet 
 Austin texas,
Jump,info to find the rest of the article.

 lines separate stories, the flag is the name of the newspaper,
 A folio is reference information.
Headlines are complete sentences.
Attention Grabber
Biline is the name and title of the writer.
Stop, tells you the story is over.
Kickers, are tags
Info graphic,

Front Pages Of The World

1. What is the name of your single favorite newspaper front page? Steamboat Today


3. What city and state is the article from? Its from Steamboat Springs Colorado

4. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? My favorite headline is "In the world of Tattoos" I find it interesting because it tells you about the women that really wants to be an artist a tattoo artist and her passion about it.

5. How many stories are in the front of your favorite? Theres 2 stories including my favorite.

6. What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? What I find in common is the they all have their own front page name, also they have a barcode on the bottom somewhere they also have the date and day.

7. What are hints that vary on the front pages of different newspapers? Something thats different is their spread they all have different spreads have different fonts and different colors.